Friday, April 2, 2010


Today was Good Friday. But what is Good Friday? What is it's significance? One answer...excuse truth. Today, Good Friday, is the day that Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior died for each and everyone of us. He died so that we might be forgiven of our wicked that we might know the almighty father in heaven. Jesus paid the ultimate price for you...for me...for your neighbor...for that weird kid a few blocks down. He did that so we might know the most amazing love that could ever be known. So Good Friday...definitely good and oh so very important. The day to honor Christ's sacrifice for us. Thank you!
(Luke 23:34-49)

Easter, which is this Sunday, is the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The day that our Lord, who died for us, rose from the grave. So, not only do we now have the ability to know God, but can also now know Jesus Christ, the son of God who died for our sins.
(Luke 24:1-12)

A beautiful weekend to celebrate ahead!

Luke 23:34 "Forgive them Father for they know not what they do."

Luke 24:6 "...He has risen!..."(NIV)

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